Sunday, January 29, 2012


Moved in today. All I can say is...what just happened? I'm not sure what I expected coming into this, but whatever it was, it didn't even come close to my first day, which is still ongoing, might I add. I arrived alone this afternoon, having flown across the country and taxied it to campus. There I am, standing by myself with two duffels and a backpack, completely confused. Up comes orientation barbie, and I kid you not, this is how my first college conversation goes.

Barbie: "Hey freshy! You look lost! Where's your fam?"
Me: "They're not here...I came alone."
Barbie: "For real! That sucks."
Me: "...yeah..."
Barbie: "What's your name?"
Me: "Jamie"
Barbie: "Cool! So what's going on with you?"
Me: "Umm...not much. Just looking for my dorm..."
Barbie: *Laughs* "No no! I mean what's your know, like, are you gay?"
Me: "Why do you want to know?"
Barbie: "It's totally cool! I love you guys! Just getting to know you! We have an awesome LGBTQ group on campus."
Me: "I'm not gay...I'm not anything really."
Barbie: "Like...Bi?"
Me: "No...just not either? It's hard to explain..."
Barbie: "Oh no I totally get you! So you're like a "Z" right? You don't believe in gender."
Me: "No I think gender's all fine and good...I'm just not anything. It's a little complicated we don't really need to discuss it..."
Barbie: "So what are you? Are you asexual?"
Me: "Not really - I mean in a way maybe but no... no."
Barbie: "Wait, what? I don't get it."
Me: "Really, it's not important. I wouldn't worry about it..."
Barbie: "Ok but seriously, are you a girl or a guy? No offense or anything..."
Me: "Can you just point me in the direction of my dorm please?"

This was the first of about five extremely uncomfortable conversations I had about my sex (or lack thereof) today, not including the arduous process of having to explain it to my suite-mates, who are all part of the LGBTQ community (I guess writing in "neither" as my sex on the application landed me in special housing) and therefore have their own philosophies on the matter. Then they began drinking immediately after the families left, something I didn't feel comfortable participating in after being grilled nonstop from the moment I arrived.  Now I'm already the odd one out, and I haven't even had the chance to get settled in!

I need to figure this shit out before I lose my mind. Thing is...whatever I decide to present myself as tomorrow is going to stick with me for the next four years. I'm not ready for this.

It's going to be a long night....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meet Jamie

Alright, here goes nothing.

Hello everyone. My name is Jamie. I'm just your average 19-year-old high school graduate anxiously awaiting the day I leave the comfort of my home and travel more than 2,000 miles to a completely new and foreign place in order to earn a college degree. So why, you may ask, am I writing a blog about something that is generally considered your typical, middle-and-upper class rite of passage? What's so interesting about me? Well, I personally think I stand out (or perhaps blend in?) more than your average college freshman. No, I'm not a genius, or ethnically diverse, or even remotely talented at all...for that matter. But...

I - Ladies and Gentlemen - was born without (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) 

................a GENDER!

*A bunch of WTFs ensue...

So I know what you're thinking. Some of you are all "Huh?" while others are all "Oh great, he's one of THOSE kids, the ones who don't believe in gender blah blah blah..."

Nope. Not only do I believe in gender, I hope for it every, single day. Long story short, out pops this baby (me) and the mom and pops are all "aawwww what is it?" and the doctor's all "umm..." and so is born a child (me) without any genitalia. On top of that, that same newborn (me again) had to undergo an invasive emergency surgery that essentially gave me a pee-hole/slit thingy. Apparently my body was in the womb working, working, working, and then it got down to the crotchal region and decided it was tired, and felt like it had done a sufficient job (not the most motivated body, the kind that's content with C-level work - it's not like the rest of me is so perfect it makes up for my lack of gender either) and kicked back until Labor Day (get it?). Anyway, that is literally the only way to describe it, as a pee-hole/slit thingy, and I probably won't be posting a pic of it either, so you'll just have to try (not) to visualize it.

For now, I'll let that bomb simmer in your brains for a bit.
Until next time,