Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Leaf

I return to you, my loyal readers, a newly energized and refreshed mind. A mind that, for a week straight, was fed reruns of How I Met Your Mother and The Walking Dead. How those two work to rejuvenate I can't say, although the constant spoon-feeding of delicious, home-cooked meals by my ever so paranoid mother for the duration of my TV regimen may have had something to do with it.

Now I'm back at school, and ready to turn over a new leaf. Or at least ready to try to motivate myself to do my homework so I don't get caught with my pants down amidst the clusterfuck of finals. Either way, I need to focus on my studies rather than letting myself be caught up in the fast life (alright, maybe partying in a dorm isn't THAT glamorous, but sometimes I do feel like Johnny Depp in Blow, minus the blow of course).

I haven't really spoken to The Kid since I've gotten back, and part of me wants to keep it that way. That guy brings a whole lot of trouble. Judging from the trauma his last plan caused me, any new ideas will make it two-fold. Not that I'm going to avoid the guy, but I just won't go out of my way to hang out with him until he reaches out to me. Right now, it's all about the studies. Oh and this blog, duh.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Midterm Murder

It's been a minute since my last post.

Apparently there is this thing called 'midterms' in college that was designed as a tool to destroy the lives of its respective students for two weeks, so that they may begin putting them together again afterwards in what is ideally a stronger, more organized fashion. It's like breaking bones in order to make them stronger, except unlike bones, the after-effect of midterms is very unpredictable. In my case, life did not come together in a stronger fashion. Instead, I've lost ten pounds of muscle and gained twenty in fat, my skin is a grotesque color combination of pale green and yellow, and I've all but lost the ability to eat anything that has less than 70 grams of sugar per serving.
That being said, it should come as no surprise that the 'experiment' that The Kid and I cooked up (let's be honest, The Kid cooked it up, and I'm just his pawn...) has been indefinitely set aside as our bodies and minds work to recover.

How I'm going to survive finals is yet to be determined.

To give you an idea of the impact of midterms, for the few of you who haven't experienced them, I've included this telling before-and-after...
