Monday, April 16, 2012


Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuuuuucckkk fuckkkkk.

I'm fuuuucckkkeedd (I know, funny haha because it's not physically possible...blah).

This is serious though.

Ok, so you know how in my last post I said I was going to avoid The Kid and his schemes? Well, that didn't last very long, meaning I saw him the next day and he said he had a good idea and he said ok? I don't know why I'm such a pushover, really. Anyway, the idea was to make me look like a guy (which isn't some master feat, by the way) and for me to 'hook up' with a girl who is under the impression that I am, in fact, a penis slinger. We went to the enviro house, aka hippieville, with a few close friends, dubbed 'supervisors' who turned out to be drunk instigators instead.

I'm sure I don't need to explain what kind of parties take place in hippieville, but just as a general idea, it involved gin and tonics being drunk out of turkey basters, minimal visibility, naked people, a lot of dancing, and lot of sweating, and a lot of tongue-tied students. (With each other, not tongue tied in the traditional sense. Far from it, actually.)

Needless to say, it wasn't long before I found myself in a similar situation, tongue-tied with a girl who (I think) is a junior who's name will be, for the purposes of this blog "The Girl." Original, I know. She came up to me while we were all dancing and drinking out of turkey basters and told me I looked like Justin Bieber, which I thought was an unusual thing to say for a liberal college student wearing a sarong and barely anything else, but I digress. Then she just dove right in, and to be honest, it was a lot nicer than the slobber-fest I had with "The Boy" (uuugghhhh, yuck), although still a little...slippery? Must have been the tonic. Or the gin.

Anywho, we spent a good chunk of the night together, making out and dancing and talking, and the whole time she thought I was a guy. She giggled while we were dancing at one point and said she was impressed that I didn't have a boner. I told her it was the gin. What the fuck? Like an idiot, I took the lies to a whole new level, so now the 'guy' who's number she has is also a black belt, has a pet falcon, and spends half of his time deep sea fishing off the Galapagos....




  1. At least you're out and about, scoring with people, even if you're becoming a pathological liar in the process (kidding).
    I can't even meet new people in order to make up cool things about myself. I'd love for new people to a) meet me b) think I do more than stay in my apartment 24/7.
    Anyway, you can either take Camilla's advice, or chalk up your lies to "miscommunications" due to the booze. As for her thinking you're a guy...tell her what's really going on if/when you're ready(?)
