Monday, February 6, 2012

Party's Over

Things are looking up for me...finally! After my personal pity party (mom's words) last week, I decided to give myself a fresh start this weekend. I made a TO DO list after I called my mom and she told me, verbatim:

"So what you sprained your ankle? I gave birth to two children...TWO! Do you understand? I had my innards torn apart on two separate occasions. Having a grenade go off down there would have been more bearable than the pain you put me through! And then, do I get to have a pity party!? NO! Because my second child was in critical condition and had to have emergency surgery! Can you imagine how HORRIBLE THAT WAS?? It was all on me, not a rest for your torn, bleeding, exhausted mother. No...and from that day on I have to worry about you every second, hoping that your difference wouldn't isolate you. I worry myself sick over you so you're not allowed to! DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME COMPLAINING BECAUSE I WILL LOSE IT JAMIE! Now get off your high horse and make some friends damn it! I love you. Honey, I love you, so suck it up. And get that ankle checked."

Point made.

Here's the list:

1. Be grateful you were born without a vagina, because it would have been ruined later anyway (what a waste)
2. Go to the doctor
3. Socialize (with literally anybody)

And you know what? Great success!

I went to the doctor, who gave me boot, which in turn gifted me with an easy conversation starter with my suite-mates, who in turn decided to throw me a (real) pity party - just our suite and some friends, don't get too excited - which lead to my first time being DRUNK IN COLLEGE whoop!

...Which lead to me getting hit on... by a boy. At first I thought it was friendly conversation, but as it turns out it was my suite-mate's gay friend, and she came over to me later and told me that he "thought I was cute?" Which left me confused all over again. Worst part is, he's coming over TONIGHT to work on a project with my suite-mate, which leaves me wondering how I should let him know that he might as well be flirting with a dead dog seeing as I don't feel anything about anybody EVER...should be nice and awkward explaining this to him.

Wish me luck!


  1. That sounds like the epitome of awkward. I hope you at least get a friend out of the kid... Post soon and let me (and all your other readers) know.

  2. Hey no worries, I don't really feel anything about anybody either... and it's not just because of my 'gender'. So what happened with the kid?
