Friday, February 24, 2012

First Sexual Experience

Had my first sexual experience last night. Granted, I was drunk, but to me it felt more like a study in the grosser aspects of human biology than anything. My suite decided to throw a mask party (in honor of Mardis Gras, I guess?), which provided the perfect setting for my first sexual encounter (The Kid's idea...).

We (mainly The Kid again, naturally) decided that I should start with a boy, because apparently with a girl, things get pretty complicated. He graciously offered himself up for the experiment, to which I responded "no thanks, can't involve the professor in the experiment, you know." We settled on one of our other acquaintences, someone who knew about me, but not one of our close friends.

Well, it went eerily well, much easier than we'd planned. Something about wearing masks as well as drinking excessively makes people...looser...than usual. The party was a rager, bordering on epic. Over a hundred people must've been in our suit over the course of the night. One of those people, let's call him Experiment #1, showed an interest in me from the second he walked in. I tried to figure out his sexual orientation to no success. Oh well, he knew my deal, so that's all that really matters.

ANYWAY, we were talking a bunch, were partners for most drinking games, all that stuff. At one point, we found ourselves standing alone in the hallway at one point ( I THINK we were waiting for the bathroom, not sure though...)  and he leaned in and landed one riiiggghhhton my mouth. He stayed there too, wasn't like one of mom's kisses for sure. I didn't really know how to react, so I kind of just waited while he wrapped it up. "You're so hot" he told me. I think I just smiled awkwardly at the very rare compliment. I've been called many things; "hot" is not one of them. The night gets a little blurry from there. We ended up in my room later on. I wasn't sure what happens once you enter "the room" but I didn't have much time to think about it since he pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me almost immediately. He started kissing me again, like REALLY kissing me, and I could barely stomach it. I mean, do people actually like being probed by someone else's tongue? I mean UUGGGHHHH it was gross.

I stuck it out though, The Kid's voice constantly in the back of my mind saying "but you haven't even TRIED anything yet!"I wondered when it would progress...I can't imagine kissing me was any better for him than it was for me. Unable to bear it any more, I jumped up at one point and got us a couple shots. After that, things got REALLY blurry. From what I recall, he started rubbing up against me for a while, then pulled down his pants. He asked me to rub it, which I did, more in awe at the thing and how every movement made him moan than anything. I had no way of knowing how it felt, but apparently it felt really, really good, which made me a little jealous. I don't know how long I was rubbing it when all of a sudden he got really loud and twitchy and then SPRAYED all over the bed. It was disgusting! I'm pretty sure at that point, between gags, I yelled at him to clean it up and rushed to the bathroom, where I proceeded to throw up. I'm still not sure if it's the alcohol or the nastiness that came out of him that caused it.

When I got back to the room, he was gone, which was a relief. I proceeded to pass the fuck out.

So there you have it. I think we can safely say I'm not interested in doing that again.


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